
dairy product

발음:   dairy product 예문


예문 더보기:   다음>
  1. With profound esteem for dairy and dairy products...
    '낙농업과 유제품에 대한 깊은 긍지를 갖고'
  2. Yeah, what's with all the dairy products?
    그러게, 뭐야 이 유제품들은 다?
  3. FDA Bans Japanese Imports of Produce and Dairy Products
    FDA는 생산 및 낙농 제품의 일본 수입 금지
  4. Calcium from the dairy products also promotes strong bones.
    또한 유제품 속 칼슘은 뼈를 강하게 하는 데 좋습니다.
  5. Perfect dairy product gifts made with fresh milk
    신선한 우유로 만든 유제품은 선물로도 그만이다!

기타 단어

  1. "dairy farming in spain" 뜻
  2. "dairy farming in switzerland" 뜻
  3. "dairy farming in the netherlands" 뜻
  4. "dairy farming in the united kingdom" 뜻
  5. "dairy farming in the united states" 뜻
  6. "dairy products" 뜻
  7. "dairy products companies" 뜻
  8. "dairy queen" 뜻
  9. "dairying" 뜻
  10. "dairy farming in the united kingdom" 뜻
  11. "dairy farming in the united states" 뜻
  12. "dairy products" 뜻
  13. "dairy products companies" 뜻